Medi PressuraTM

Pressure Monitoring Application

Smart Mattress can sense the pressure from over a thousand FSR sensors, and show their data at high speed through our monitoring application. it's fitted with the latest MCU enabling stable and fast communication.

- Easy interface with RGB color map based on pressure strength.
- Reliable data for healthcare research and R&D purposes.
- Can control pressure sensitivity and threshold
- Can make a CSV file including pressure sensor data.
We are currently supplying to the lab and hospital, and also are commencing our very new PoC (Proof of Concept) phase.

The Anti-Bedsore Mat

We can obtain the patient’s pressure and humidity data. It makes personalized bedsore care services using AI-based. The smart mattress through AI-based smart monitoring and care solution using the pressure and humidity control of the patient provides a comfortable living environment for bedsore patients in real-time.

We are obtaining the laying person's (patient) pressure and humidity data. By utilizing those two types of data and AI technology, we can predict the likelihood of obtaining bedsore for that laying person.

SMART pressure mats